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Join Us in Ensuring Strong Advocacy at the Federal and State Level
7-hydroxymitragynine – also known as 7-OH or 7 – is emerging as a natural alternative to dangerous opioid prescriptions. Yet misplaced fears about the compound have led to bans being enacted in 4 states and legislation pending in another 15 that could pass this year. Meanwhile at the federal level, good legislation has been introduced that would promote fair regulation of 7-OH, but supporters must be vigilant to ensure no poison pills are added that could destroy the nascent industry.
The Holistic Alternative Recovery Trust, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization, is leading the fight to protect the legality of 7-OH at the state and federal level. But with battles on so many fronts, HART needs an infusion of resources to hire lobbyists in Washington, DC, and in state capitals across the country. A barebones budget. An initial raise of $500,000 is needed for a barebones advocacy budget in 2024.
Membership Levels
Please consider joining HART at one of the following levels of membership:
Per Month
(Or $10,000 Per Year)
Bi-Monthly Calls
DC Fly-Ins
Regualry Updated 50-State Survey on the Legality of Kratom and 7-OH
Per Month
(Or $30,000 Per Year)
Monthly Board Meetings
DC Fly-Ins
Regularly Updated 50-State Survey on the Legality of Kratom and 7-OH
Per Month
(Or $100,000 Per Year)
Monthly Board Meetings
DC Fly-Ins
Regularly Updated 50-State Survey on the Legality of Kratom and 7-OH
Monthly Vetting of Issues for Board Decisions